The Driver - By Django Perks

 The Driver

By Django Perks


October 31st the date was. When I died. I was 31 back then. Young and full of spirit. You could even go as far to say I was energised. My profession was an artist. I painted stunning views of cities and luxurious, green pastures in the countryside around. I don’t remember a lot of the details of how I died, but I will tell you as much as I can.

It all started as I was on my way back from the pub. I was drunk as hell. I staggered through the crowds that inhabited the pub this evening and into the cold night. I had to swerve slightly to avoid a gang of kids dressed in Halloween costumes. They stopped at a house just next to the corner of the road. You could hear them from a mile away. “TRICK OR TREAT!” they shouted as they grabbed their sweets and went off into the night. Funny, I remember doing exactly the same thing when I was young. The same house and all. It might even have been the same costumes. Déjà Vu.

I staggered further on the lane before spotting a taxi and flagging it down. The Driver pulled over. I pulled open the door and practically fell into my seat. “Evening Pal.” The Driver didn’t respond. The Driver started to drive. I’ve never liked taxis. Not since watching Ghostbusters. That scene with the Taxi Driver Ghost. Brrrrr. Scary. Only, the amount of times I have got into a taxi and nothing has happened has made me think that nothing like that even exists. But...maybe we shouldn’t doubt the impossible. So The Driver drove his taxi and I dozed in the back. The Driver was a good driver I thought, possibly the best I had ever had. I think I might give The Driver a large tip.


October 31st the date was. When I died. I was just 30 back then. Young and youthful. My occupation, well...I didn’t really class it as a job really. I was a musician. I didn’t do gigs or Open Mic. events down at the pub. I didn’t really do anything. I suppose it was just a hobby really. There again, I never practised. I don’t remember a lot of the details of how I died, but I will tell you as much as I can.

It all started on the way back from my friend’s house. I didn’t have my car because I knew I was going to have a few drinks. I flagged down a taxi. The Driver pulled over. I could have sworn it was the same taxi as the last time I had visited my friends. It certainly had the same air freshener in the front. “Thank you.” I said. The Driver didn’t respond. That’s strange. The driver of this cab was definitely a chatty person the last time I saw him. Maybe he has had a rubbish day or he sold this taxi and retired; he was quite old.

You possibly are starting to think that I know every single taxi driver in the town. I probably do. I hardly ever use my car; I always seem to have a drink wherever I go. I remember once when I did go to a place in my car. I was drunk and then had to get a lift from my friend. She was quite annoyed actually. I don’t know what became of her; she didn’t contact me and I didn’t want to contact her. I just deleted her number from my phone.

So The Driver drove his taxi and I dozed in the back. The Driver was a good driver I thought, possibly better than the one who used to drive this taxi. I think I might give The Driver a large tip.



It was starting to rain when I eventually looked up from my phone. Very gloomy. I suddenly realised something: I hadn’t told The Driver where I wanted him to take me. “Erm...Excuse me?” No reply. “Erm...Do you know where I want to go?” No reply. “Well it’s...” The Driver spoke then.

“I know where you want to go.” The Driver’s voice was gruff and harsh. And...unnatural. Yes that was the word, unnatural.

“Do you? Ok then...” I hesitated. Something is wrong. How did The Driver know where I needed to go?


It was starting to rain when I eventually looked up from my phone. Very gloomy. I suddenly realised something: I hadn’t told The Driver where I wanted him to take me. “Erm...Excuse me?” No reply. “Erm...Do you know where I want to go?” No reply. “Well it’s...” The Driver spoke then.

“I know where you want to go.” The Driver’s voice was gruff and harsh. And...unnatural. Yes that was the word, unnatural.

“Do you? Ok then...” I hesitated. Something is wrong. How did The Driver know where I needed to go?


The Driver sped up suddenly. I rolled out of my seat even though the seatbelt was on. “What the hell?” My breath was coming in short, sharp gasps. I managed to look up at the speedometer on The Driver’s dashboard. I couldn’t see but it was at the top speed. Fast. Very fast.

I tried the door handle and found it locked. Peering out of the window, I saw that the driver was taking a route completely unknown to me. All I knew about it was that at the end of the road there was...Oh God....Oh no....Someone get me out of this damn thing. At the end of this road there is a very steep hill landing in a rubbish dump and we were going to go flying of it...I am going to die!


The Driver sped up suddenly. I rolled out of my seat even though the seatbelt was on. “What the hell?” My breath was coming in short, sharp gasps. I managed to look up at the speedometer on The Driver’s dashboard. I couldn’t see but it was at the top speed. Fast. Very fast.

I tried the door handle and found it locked. Peering out of the window, I saw that the driver was taking a route completely unknown to me. All I knew about it was that at the end of the road there was...Oh God....Oh no....Someone get me out of this damn thing. At the end of this road there is a very steep hill landing in a rubbish dump and we were going to go flying of it...I am going to die!

I looked again out of the window. I could just see another taxi ahead of us going at pretty much the same speed. I looked behind us. Oh God...there were about 50 or more others following and going at the same speed...God help us all!


God help goes! I shut my eyes and rolled up into a ball. Bye, Bye world.


God help goes! I shut my eyes and rolled up into a ball. Bye, Bye world.

Jim, Bethany and the 50 Others Behind

The Drivers took a sneering look behind them at the passengers behind them and laughed their most evil laugh.

The cars went plummeting off the hill and lit up the sky in one big fireball. BANG! Their lives were over.


So...yeah. That was how I died. I don’t think anyone survived. They would have to be invincible to do that.


So...yeah. That was pretty much how I died. I don’t think anyone survived. They would have to be invincible to do that. I wish I had been able to have one last look at my boyfriends face. His name is Jim and I loved him so much.

The End





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