The House That Should Not Be Here - Part 2 - By Django Perks


The House That Should Not Be Here

Part 2

By Django Perks

The House, Just Outside of Eyam, 2017, The Present Day

“The House Should Not Be Here.”

“The House Should Not Be Here.”

“Stop! Just STOP!” You shout out against the words that jump, leap, and scream at you. They do stop. Eventually. You walk back over to the bed and lay down on it, puzzling over the words that infected you. You dare not to repeat them in case it echoes in your brain; making you mad with torment. You look towards the door, realising that it has just swung open. Walking over to it, you find yourself facing an endless corridor with just one door. The door glares at you from the other end of the corridor and you feel the urge to open it, to pour every single bit of yourself into it. It is compelling but you realise what you have just thought and shake yourself out of the stupor that has taken hold of you. You turn around so that your back is against the corridor. You look around once more before turning your back to the room. As you do this, you notice that the corridor doesn’t look so endless anymore. There is no door at the end of the corridor, just a staircase leading down into the depths of the house. It is disturbing and scary but you walk to it anyway.

As you walk down the stairs, you notice the temperature dropping and pull your coat around yourself. You make quick work of the stairs and reach the bottom in no time. Instead of a hallway like you would expect and like you saw when you first entered the house, you find yourself in some sort of crypt. The shadows leap and dance for their pleasure but for your horror. The horror down here is like none other you have seen before. A shape scuttles across the ground making you squeal in fright. You gasp in relief as your brain tells you that it is only a rat. Something is wrong; it is freezing down here yet animals can survive. You suddenly notice cobwebs hanging lifelessly from the roof. You make your way forwards wiping away the cobwebs that dare to get in your way. You are shivering, your teeth banging against other teeth and your arms shaking madly. You realise that you don’t have a torch and suddenly, bright lights flare up all around you. You twirl around expecting to see some sort of mass army but instead, you see torches. There is something eerie and spooky about this house. The way that things flare into existence as soon as you realise these things should be here. Abnormal. That is the only way to describe it.

You start to realise that you have just stopped and aren’t moving anymore. You try to move your leg forward but you can’t. Something has stopped you. Froze you in your tracks. The lights around you vanish, leaving you in pitch-blackness. Instantaneously, a bright light shines and an apparition occurs.

It is a man this time. He is old and grey and looks as they as he is in his seventies. He is murmuring and you strain your ears. You forget that they will get louder so when he does. Your forgetfulness ends up making your eardrum hurt. You might have perforated it you don’t know. But it hurts. Oh God, it hurts. You scream out in pain and slip away from the world, into darkness.

A Field, Beside The House, Just Outside Of Eyam, The Evening The Children Go Missing

The day is disappearing and the moon is rising from its deep slumber. It shines upon the house, casting a preternatural look about it. It makes it seem as though something is going to happen. Something, weird, scary, paranormal, abnormal, remarkable, insane. Who knows?

Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong... Dong... Dong... Dong... Dong...

It was midnight. The witching hour. Small hours. Whatever you want to call it. But it was 00:00. The day the children are noted as missing. There is a dim glow around the house tonight. It seems to be attracting something. Pulling it into the depths of its arms. Nevertheless, there was nothing around the house. Except, maybe there is. A big gang of children had just appeared at the far end of the field. When I say a big gang, I mean at least 200 children. They are walking faster than any person in the world. No. They were not running. They were definitely walking. They reach the house in less than five minutes. Then they start screaming. Shouting for their life. They start fading, no, being sucked into the house. Their screams unheard. Then, there is silence. The house has stopped glowing but continues to look stranger than any normal house.

The House, Just Outside of Eyam, 2017, The Present Day

As you regain consciousness, you realise that the apparition has gone, disappeared. It is almost as though it was never there. As though it never happened. However, there is a voice in your head that is repeating what it said: “You need to rid the world of this house. Then, the world will be safe.”. You also remember something about changing history, making the last ten years non-existent. You try to grasp at what you need to do, but it is out of reach, for now.

You haven’t got up yet so you don’t know where you are. Climbing steadily to your feet, you look around at your surroundings. You have moved somehow. You are now in a room with nothing in it. No, wait, sorry, yes there is something in it. You walk towards it to get a closer look. It is a container of petrol and on top, some matches. The idea is now in reach. You reach out to it and catch it. You suddenly know what you have to do. You grab the matches and put them in your pocket and then you heave the petrol carton into your arms and tear of the lid. You start pouring it in a circle in the room. You then realise you will have to continue the line of petrol throughout the house. You lug the petrol over to the door, swing it open and start pouring. The house no longer moves its twisted corridors. You are able to go wherever you want. You pour and pour and pour. The kitchen. The bathroom. The living room. The games room. The billiard room. The conservatory. And finally, the porch. You stop suddenly and realise that you will die when the house explodes but then you remember something. “The last ten years will never have happened.” You strike the match and chuck it onto the petrol. Bright flames jump up and make their way throughout the house. The house writhes in agony. You think that this is payback. Payback for my unconsciousness and your pain. This is for that thunderstorm in Yorkshire. For those missing children. Yes, this is payback. This is payback unlike any other before. BANG! You fly back through the door, once again losing consciousness. However, you can feel time. Ticking and tocking and turning back

And back

And back

And back

And back until it is 2007.

Yorkshire, 2007

The phone lines in every police station are quiet. There is no storm that haunts the souls of every living creature. It is a peaceful day. The oncoming disaster never happened because you stopped it.

Just Outside Of Eyam

There is no house now. Just miles and miles of green fields. The House That Should Not Be Here exists no more because you saved us. You saved the souls of every single one of those children. You saved yourself too.

But you are alive. I never thought that would be a problem, but it is. Everyone wants revenge and surely this house does too. Revenge will come and you will wish you had never ever interfered...

The End



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