Spooks Halloween Stories - Paranormal Investigation - Django Perks

The casebook of Manduca and Hyde's paranormal investigations:
Investigation 5

This was our most interesting case we had ever had. Let me recall it and write it down for you.

We stepped into the house shutting the door straight away. It was dark and cold and musty; no-one had been in the house for years now. The woman had only phoned us earlier saying it was urgent. I checked the thermometer on my belt. It was a minus. Very unusual. I looked at Manduca, he looked strange. Scared, fierce I didn’t know what he really felt but I knew this would be strange. We moved further into the house, our iron rapiers at the ready. I pulled my coat further around me wishing for a fire. I wish I hadn't wished for anything because as soon as I said it, a white, pale shape shot at us. Shocked, worried and frustrated, I flew at it with my sword cornering it against the wall and threw a magnesium bomb at it. Whoosh, gone. I sank against the wall and looked around for Manduca. He wasn’t here. I called for him. He didn’t answer. I shouted for him. He was gone. I sank back on the wall again and fell asleep.

I woke up shocked that I had fallen asleep on duty whilst investigating. I had to continue with the investigation now I knew it was serious. I walked cautiously up the stairs expecting something to jump out at me. There were 3 rooms at the top of the stairs. I opened the first one. Storage room. Nothing. I opened the second one. Bedroom. Nothing. I opened the third one. Everything. The moonlight lit the big bedroom revealing two ghosts wrapped in each other's arms with another ghost standing over them with a knife. I guessed the story. An affair. Wonderful. I threw three salt bombs and a magnesium bomb and they were gone.

That was the story and I am still looking for Manduca.

By Django Perks.


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