Crush by Amber Hutcheson.

Crush Darren Harris was, in the opinion of Alicia, the best looking boy in class. School. Maybe even the whole world – to her knowledge. She’d spend most lessons shooting him glances, maybe even giving him the odd stare if she couldn’t get caught. She had his number, and she tried to text him but he’d either ignore her or give disinterested results. He must’ve had other people for his eyes to be on – like Fran Simpson, or Chrissie Bale. But all sweet, young Alicia wanted out of life was someone like him – or so she thought. If not handled delicately, a childhood crush can quickly become obsessive, or spiral out of control. Or even become a point to fixate decisions on; which is never the right thing to do, even if it seems to be at the time. Luckily, the young blonde hadn’t yet allowed herself to fall into such habits. But it was always a possibility. It was February 14 th , more commonly known as Valentine’s Day, and Alicia was walking to school with her older brother Bill...