A Taste of Your Own Medicine By Kirsty R-D

A Taste of Your Own Medicine Secrets are powerful things, hidden whispers in dark corners, the hush-hush of things you want not to know. Threads of dangerous, unpublished words that should never be leaked. A perfect, unravelable spider’s web spun with a silver tongue and quickly thought up lies. Breathy words interwoven in a deadly tapestry. Flawless and quiet, dew drops of suspicion clinging to its silken fibres but ultimately, unable to penetrate the web. And there was no better web-spinner than John Huberwick. He thrived in a state of hushed tones and zipped lips, fed off conversations that came to an abrupt halt as oaken doors swung open. It was his natural habitat and anyone that got caught on his web would not be leaving it anytime soon. He had become a master in sucking the life out of those that threatened to leave. He had a million eyes, surveying every corner of his web and his instinctive predatorial nature made him a menace to anyone who dared threaten to uncover hi...